
Accuracy of Information

[company name] strives to ensure accuracy of information provided but we are not responsible for missing, inaccurate, or incorrect information. Recognize that you are using the provided information at your own risk.

Not Financial Advice

The information provided does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other advice. [company name] documentation, website, DApp, social media, and marketing materials do not consider your particular financial objectives, financial situation, or needs and are not intended to be construed as a recommendation for action on your part. [company name] cannot guarantee any returns or price action and is subject to overall market conditions. [company name] accepts no liability for damages, whether consequential or indirect, of any kind arising from the use, reference, or reliance on the information provided. Please conduct your due diligence and participate wisely. Returns presented are estimates based on past performance and do not constitute a guarantee of future performance or returns.

KYC, Age and Sound Mind Policy

Before using these services please due your own research and make the best choice for yourself. When using the services of [company name] you will be asked to confirm:

1. You are of sound mind and are not currently under the influence of anything that could impair your judgment.

2. You are of legal age and are able to participate in these services.

3. You are not violating any IDO/KYC legislation based upon your current geographical location. The following list is not all-inclusive, therefore we request you conduct your own research and due diligence: The United States, China, Russia, Portugal, and Parts of Europe all have specific rules and legislations that pertain to income and cryptocurrency. By accepting the following, you acknowledge that you are abiding by any and all applicable rules and regulations, and you assume all responsibility for the use of these services. You agree to hold harmless [company name] and all [company name] affiliates.

Accuracy of Information

[company name] strives to ensure accuracy of information provided but we are not responsible for missing, inaccurate, or incorrect information. Recognize that you are using the provided information at your own risk.

Not Financial Advice

The information provided does not constitute investment advice, financial advice, trading advice, or any other advice. [company name] documentation, website, DApp, social media, and marketing materials do not consider your particular financial objectives, financial situation, or needs and are not intended to be construed as a recommendation for action on your part. [company name] cannot guarantee any returns or price action and is subject to overall market conditions. [company name] accepts no liability for damages, whether consequential or indirect, of any kind arising from the use, reference, or reliance on the information provided. Please conduct your due diligence and participate wisely. Returns presented are estimates based on past performance and do not constitute a guarantee of future performance or returns.

KYC, Age and Sound Mind Policy

Before using these services please due your own research and make the best choice for yourself. When using the services of [company name] you will be asked to confirm:

1. You are of sound mind and are not currently under the influence of anything that could impair your judgment.

2. You are of legal age and are able to participate in these services.

3. You are not violating any IDO/KYC legislation based upon your current geographical location. The following list is not all-inclusive, therefore we request you conduct your own research and due diligence: The United States, China, Russia, Portugal, and Parts of Europe all have specific rules and legislations that pertain to income and cryptocurrency. By accepting the following, you acknowledge that you are abiding by any and all applicable rules and regulations, and you assume all responsibility for the use of these services. You agree to hold harmless [company name] and all [company name] affiliates.

By harmonizing the best of traditional finance with the innovative realm of DeFi, Soterra offers a secure pathway to augmented returns through sophisticated auto-compounding strategies

© Copyright 2024 Soterra

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By harmonizing the best of traditional finance with the innovative realm of DeFi, Soterra offers a secure pathway to augmented returns through sophisticated auto-compounding strategies

© Copyright 2024 Soterra

Company Name




Formation Date


Formation Number


By harmonizing the best of traditional finance with the innovative realm of DeFi, Soterra offers a secure pathway to augmented returns through sophisticated auto-compounding strategies

© Copyright 2024 Soterra

Company Name




Formation Date


Formation Number